
Jyrki Lötjönen

Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Lötjönen is responsible for the scientific and technical management of the project.

Kari Antila
Project Manager, WP1 Leader

MSc Antila is responsible for the coordination and daily management of the project.

Lennart Thurfjell
WP2 Leader

Dr. Thurfjell is responsible for the application requirements & business development.

Roman Zubarev
WP3 Leader

Prof. Zubarev is responsible for the quantification of molecular data.

Marcello Massimini
WP4 Leader

Prof. Massimini is responsible for the quantification of TMS/EEG data.

Daniel Rueckert
WP5 Leader

Prof. Rueckert is responsible for the quantification of image data.

Mark van Gils
WP6 Leader

Dr. van Gils is responsible for the model development and implementation.

Hilkka Soininen
WP7 Leader

Prof. Soininen is responsible for the clinical validation.

